Meet Ben

Meet Ben

Congratulations to Ben Wishart on achieving his 30 year milestone with City of Onkaparinga! 30 years ago Barkuma placed Ben as a cleaner with the Happy Valley Council, but as he showed a keen interest in administration they began to employ him in various office roles...
A seamless transition – Progressing from SLES to DES

A seamless transition – Progressing from SLES to DES

The transition from school to work can be a tricky time for many young people, but there are services out there to help make the leap. School Leaver Employment Supports (SLES) can assist you to become job ready by mapping out a desired future pathway, setting...
Transition Graduation

Transition Graduation

Last week, Barkuma congratulated the graduating Transition class of 2020. It was a special night with guest speakers Thomas Doherty, Harrison Hoise, Lucy Cornes and Justin Westhoff, with music from past student Hannah. ​​​​​​​The class of 2020 overcame unprecedented...