Transition Graduation

18th February, 2021

Last week, Barkuma congratulated the graduating Transition class of 2020.

It was a special night with guest speakers Thomas Doherty, Harrison Hoise, Lucy Cornes and Justin Westhoff, with music from past student Hannah.

​​​​​​​The class of 2020 overcame unprecedented challenges brought by COVID-19, and remained engaged and eager to return to face to face training. Our Transition staff stepped up to the challenge to move training online and despite significant reduction in VET choices, the vast majority of students participated in and achieved a Certificate II in Retail, Certificate II in Kitchen Operations or the intro to Hair and Beauty.

These students have already achieved great outcomes with;

  • 10% already in employment
  • 31% participating in further study
  • With the remainder seeking support from Barkuma to prepare for and ultimately find work in open employment.