A seamless transition – Progressing from SLES to DES

28th May, 2021

The transition from school to work can be a tricky time for many young people, but there are services out there to help make the leap. School Leaver Employment Supports (SLES) can assist you to become job ready by mapping out a desired future pathway, setting achievable employment goals, and building employment confidence and skills. These supports are flexible and person-centred, and can commence anytime within the last year of school and the first few years post school. You are also able to exit the supports when you are ready to find work. Many people will then look to move into a Disability Employment Service (DES) who can start searching for the right job for you. Most Disability Employment Programs will offer intensive supports to ensure your mainstream job in open employment is a success. For some people, leaving SLES and moving to DES brings another transition; new provider, more meetings, mountains of paperwork and time spent re-building relationships. So it makes sense to find a provider who offers both SLES and DES to ensure you have continuity of Employment Supports to transition into Open Employment.

The benefit of accessing supports from an organisation that delivers both SLES and DES is you can transition smoothly from one service to the other with little to no distinguishable difference or interruption. The SLES and DES teams will work together to ensure you are supported to achieve your goals and be ready to step into open employment.

At a glance:

  • SLES helps young people explore and understand their work potential without time pressures or constraints. SLES can offer up to 2 years of support, and is best started in your final year of schooling.
  • Once a SLES participant has built employment skills, and are ready for the word of work, they can transition into DES.
  • DES providers deliver on the job training and support with the goal to help you find and keep a job that is right for you.
  • Barkuma offers South Australians both SLES and DES to ensure individuals can slide straight into employment without even noticing a changeover in service.